Sunday, January 15, 2012

Update in pictures

Here's a little update about the last 6 months of life...

So, yes, 4 days after surgery I went to girls camp. People think I'm crazy for doing it, but really it was just what I needed at that time. The first day was setting up tents, which I couldn't really do much about (dang it!). It rained as well that first day. That night I slept in the cabin with all the stake leaders on a 4 inch mattress laid on a wooden board. The next day I was in charge of check-in for all the YW coming to camp.

I gave up on the mattress on the wood after the first night. I went to the tent with the 4th years who I was supposed to be with. I slept on a cot with the same mattress on it. It was one of the most comfortable things ever! So, I slept in the tent the rest of my time there. I also wore dresses the entire time that I was there. I wasn't aloud to flex at my hip more that 90 degrees and I couldn't have any external rotation. Because of these stipulations I couldn't put on pants very easily.

I'm in the middle with a dress and t-shirt on top. A little weird but, given the circumstances...

Craig and Savanna Speil came up from Ohio University to visit us. We all went to the zoo together and had a blast.

They were walking out the door when we noticed they pretty much matched.

We drove down to watch BYU's first game! We were planning on making this sign, but then BYU wasn't doing so well. We were able to make it the last few minutes of the game and celebrate with all the BYU fans there (old mis).

The campus was actually very nice and there were SO many people tailgating. Apparently people camp out for their tailgating spot. My cousin Zoe and her family where there from Nashville, so we were able to see them for a little bit.

Scott and I catered a wedding in October. That week we made 80lbs of potatoes into fries. I was using the mandalin slicer on the first potato and slipped and cut my hand instead. The picture doesn't do it justice. We didn't have anything on hand to help so Scott ran down to the gas station while I kept my hand above my head on the wall with pressure to stop the bleeding. It didn't close for days. I really should have gone to get it stitched but I kept thinking about all the potatoes I had to deal with.

We also went to Idaho to welcome Jim and Arlene McCauley home from their 1.5 year mission in Russia.

This was what I came home to one day on our 4 year and 4month anniversary. Yes we are still the disgustingly sappy couple who celebrates month anniversary, I hope we always are.
My pumpkin I carved for Halloween.
Scott's pumpkin, which is way cuter than mine.
Scott thought of the amazing idea to have pie day the day before thanksgiving. We had pizza and then key lime, pumpkin, blueberry, and cheesecake pies. It was ingenious because we didn't have to worry about making them on Thanksgiving. More to come soon...


  1. Great pics and updates! I think you guys were at the Ole Miss vs. BYU game the weekend we came back to visit in Sept. That's really impressive that after 4+ years of marriage you still celebrate your anniversary every month! That's a lot of creativity!

  2. Jocelyn! You're back to blogging!!!! I was hoping you were still alive :)
