Sunday, June 12, 2011

Another weekend

This week I had an interview at an old folks home as a wellness specialist. I have a second interview on July 11! Yay!

Scott had a half day on Friday and we are going to be in a hospital during our anniversary, so we decided to celebrate it this weekend. I'm a huge fan of Priceline. If you haven't ever pricelined a hotel talk to me, because you need to, you're wasting money if you don't. Some of our priceline finds have been $50 for a Marriot in downtown Philly!

So, we pricelined our hotel and went and played on their exercise equipment when Scott got off work at 1:00. We went to dinner at Montgomery Inn, which is a famous restaurant in Cincy that is along the river. During our dinner, we watched a big storm come in. Half way through dinner, the power went out! We got to finish eating and then our VERY kind waitress, Kim, said she didn't think it was right for us to have to pay for dinner! Crazy! So, we left her a tip and went out to brave the storm. It was a little scary of a drive back to our hotel but we made it safe.

Saturday we went to go Zip Line in Indiana. That was tons of fun and I'll put some pictures up. We went from there to a miami white water park and went paddle boating. While we were out on the lake on our paddle boat, we had a picnic under some trees.

On our way home we stopped at Meijer (grocery store) because they had amazing strawberries for 90 cents! We got 16 pounds on monday and 10 more on Saturday. Our new tradition is to each a container on our way home and throw the tops out the window in hopes we are planting new strawberry plants for next season.

The countdown to surgery continues at 11 more days!!!

Zip lining!!!
All suited up ready to go!
Out to dinner at Montgomery Inn. Scott is soaked because he went and got the car for me!
Blowing out the candles!
Yep, closer to 30 than to 20 now! He thinks he's old.

Homemade Pita's on our paddle boat!
Scott Zip lining. I took this picture while zip lining as well.

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