I had one of the best runs ever today! So I went out and it looked like it was going to rain. About 5 minutes in it started to down pour. Not the rain that you get in Utah, but the full blown downpour I missed so much from Texas. Well, I felt like I could run forever. I don’t know what it is about rain it just invigorates me and makes me so happy. Well, I did actually run further than planed but oh well, I’ll just get to run less this week, which actually will be necessary. So, update since last I blogged… On Friday, we went to “happy hour” at someone’s apartment. It was a little party to get all the new employees of Nelson a little tipsy. Well, obviously we don’t drink but it was really fun anyways. There are some really nice people that work there. Well, everyone was really nice. No one else is married, so no other spouses come or anything. Ha funny thing. They started to ask Scott where the cookies were. I made cookies for the last party and I also made some last wed. that he brought into work. So, now wed. will be cookie day. Well, we left at 8:00 because my parent were supposed to be coming into town that night. Everyone gave us weird looks that we were leaving so early. Well, we picked up a movie to watch together to wait for my parents. Well, we got a call that the van transmition was dead so they were going to stay there. Well, they rented a car the next day and made it up here. So, This week I get to drive down 200 miles and pick up the Van and then drive back. Then this weekend Scott and I are going to drive all the way out to Palmyra with the van to exchange them for our car that they borrowed. It’ll be a crazy week!
As I said there are MANY parks around here and there is forest all around us. Well, Scott and I had a brilliant idea on Sunday as we walk around in them talking to my family and his. There are trees down all over the place and so we found a piece that would work perfect for a lamp. So, with Scott’s new tools we went back on Monday and sawed some fallen trees to play with. I hope it works out! If it does I’ll put up pictures!
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